What is ‘Kyuyo Shotoku Kojo’ (tax exemption for salary income)? Will it change in the future?

About Kyuyo Shotoku Kojo Kyuyo Shotoku Kojo (給与所得控除) is a tax exemption set for Japanese employees’ salary and bonus, that is permitted in both national and residence tax. According to the amount of salary and bonus that an employee earns through one year, a certain percentage of the annual income is exempted. The income after… Read More »

What is ‘Category III insured persons’? Will Japanese pension of dependent partners be abolished?

Category III insured persons can get a qualification of old age pension without paying contributions (Note: This is a renewal of our past article in 2021, with adding the latest developments) Dependent spouses whose partner is enrolled in Kosei Nenkin (employees’ pension) or Kyosai Kumiai (pension scheme for public servants and teachers) are called “Category… Read More »

Is it OK to claim Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments while keeping your Permanent Residency visa?

You can claim Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments with keeping your PR visa Non-Japanese people can claim Japanese pension’s Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments (pension refund). Even PR holders (Eijusha, 永住者 in Japanese) can do. But PR holders have an additional condition to claim Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments, that is shown on the table below. The aim of this condition… Read More »

What kind of documents are valid to verify your bank account?

Documents to verify applicant’s bank account to claim Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments or old age pensions To claim (1) pension’s Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments or (2) old age pensions you need to submit a claim form with information of the bank account to receive payments. With the claim form you need to attach a document to verify… Read More »

Contribution period of Japanese pensions planned to extend? How will it change non-Japanese contributors?

Government starts considering a plan to extend Japanese pension’s contribution period, but still not certain whether or not to get implemented The news like “contribution period of Japanese Kokumin Nenkin (National Pension) is to get extended by 5 years, to age 64” was reported (See the link below). According to it, Ministry of Health Labor… Read More »