Category Archives: Japanese Pension & Tax

Why is Japanese pension system’s reform needed?

Kokumin Nenkin vs Kosei Nenkin Japanese pension system consists of, mainly, the two categories: (1) Kokumin Nenkin (National Pension), whose contribution amount is a constant no matter how much to get incomes, and (2) Kosei Nenkin (Employees’ Pension Insurance), whose contribution amount increases according to incomes contributors earn(*). (*)There is another category in Japanese pension… Read More »

Does inflation lead Lump-sum Pension Refund to its rise?

The amount of lump-sum pension refund is decided by how much you contributed in the past In recent years Japanese economy has faced an inflation of prices. For Japanese old age pensions there is a system of indexation (called “price slide (物価スライド)”), through that payments of old age pensions will be adjusted following price rises.… Read More »

Can Lump-sum pension refund get received by Japanese Yen?

You can designate oversea bank account of almost all countries to receive Japanese lump-sum pension refund To receive your lump-sum pension refund (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments), you can designate any of your bank accounts in almost all countries: But you need to designate an account whose holder is, at least one of them, yourself. You cannot… Read More »

What is the difference of Lump-sum Pension Refund between Kokumin Nenkin and Kosei Nenkin?

The amount of Kosei Nenkin’s lump-sum pension refund varies much compared with that of Kokumin Nenkin You can claim a lump-sum pension refund (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments) if you clear the following conditions: You don’t have Japanese citizenship You contribute Japanese pensions for more than 6 months You are covered by Japanese pensions for less than… Read More »