List: Japanese tax years whose refunds you can claim (in year 2023)
You can claim income tax refunds for salaries you had received in Japan for past 5 years.
This is the list of years whose tax refunds Japanese tax office accepts:
Year | Tax refunds are accepted | Gengonen (元号年) |
2023 | from 2018 to 2022 | 平成30年, 平成31年=令和元年, 令和2年, 令和3年, 令和4年 |
You can claim Japanese income tax refunds back to 5 years
The employers in Japan issue all employees Gensen Choshu-hyo (源泉徴収票) each year. A Gensen Choshu-hyo shows the amounts of total salary of each year and withheld social security payments as well as income tax. On it you can see Gengonen (元号年), Japanese traditional year, that is shown in the list above. You can claim past 5 year’s tax refunds in Gensen Choshu-hyo, on that you can see one of above 5 year’s Gengonen.
[Note] Year 2019 has double Gengonen, 平成31年 and 令和元年.
If you are now out of Japan then you can claim your past income tax refunds using a tax agent (納税管理人) in Japan, whom you can desginate in Japan in order to execute your tax refunds.

YouAT LLC gives you services for Japanese pension and tax refunds
We YouAT LLC has more than 10 year’s history to support non-Japanese employees’ “Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments”, “Old Age Pension”, and income tax refunds.
We have staff of Labor and Social Security Attorney, Administrative Scrivener, and Tax Accountant.
Please feel free to contact us for Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds!
YouAT LLC website — > www.youat-jp.com/
Email –> info@youat-jp.com