You are enrolled in Kokumin Nenkin from age 20
All adult residents living in Japan need to get enrolled in Kokumin Nenkin (National pension). The enrollment begins at age 20. Although in year 2022 Japanese law changed the definition of ‘adult age’ from age 20 to age 18, the enrollment age of Kokumin Nenkin remains unchanged.
From what age the enrollment of Kokumin Nenkin begins is important for holders of Japanese permanent residency (PR) when they claim their lump-sum pension refund (Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments).
PR holders are regarded as having been enrolled in Kokumin Nenkin from age 20 to the time when they first resided in Japan. If this period and the contribution period to Japanese pensions make 10 years or more, then they cannot claim their lump-sum pension refund. PR holders can claim their lump-sum pension refunds under the condition that this total period is less than 10 years.
For details of the condition to claim a lump-sum pension refund for PR holders, please see this article.
You are enrolled in Kosei Nenkin since getting employed, even before age 20
All employees in Japan need to get enrolled in Kosei Nenkin (Employees’ pension insurance) besides Kokumin Nenkin. The condition of the enrollment to Kosei Nenkin is only whether they are employed, and they are enrolled even under age 20. So non-Japanese under age 20 have a qualification to claim lump-sum pension refund after leaving Japan, if they are employed and contribute Kosei Nenkin for 6 months or more.

YouAT LLC gives you services for Japanese pension and tax refunds
We YouAT LLC has more than 10 year’s history to support non-Japanese employees’ “Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments”, “Old Age Pension”, and income tax refunds.
We have staff of Labor and Social Security Attorney, Administrative Scrivener, and Tax Accountant.
Please feel free to contact us for Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds!
YouAT LLC website — > www.youat-jp.com/
Email –> info@youat-jp.com