Use “Self-pay Limit “system
If you get a surgery and/or long hospitalization that costs expensive medical payments, you can apply for “Self-pay Limit” system (高額医療費制度). “Self-pay Limit” system will pay back a considerable part of your payments afterwards. For details of the system please see the following link:
- Self-pay Limit (Japan Health Insurance Association, External Link)
Apply exemption of income tax
You can apply an exemption of income tax for medical payments paid by yourself as well as your dependent family members.
- You can apply an exemption of income tax for the medical payments of each year (Jan 1 – Dec 31)
- The medical payments of each year are the sum of yourself and all your dependent family members (partner, children, parents, etc.). The list of dependent family members is shown on this article of our blog. Its (A) and (B) are conditions to fill, but children under age 16 are also included as your dependents to apply medical payments exemption.
- The medical payments that are covered by health insurances are not permitted to include. You can apply an exemption only for payments you pay without any compensations.
- You submit the list of medical payments to the tax office (date, amount, and the name of the institution where you pay).
The minimum amount of medical payments for that you can apply an exemption of income tax is 100,000JPY (total of yourself and your dependent family members, not covered by health insurances)(*).
(*) But if your salary income is under 2,972,000JPY in a year, then the minimum amount of medical payments in that year gets lower than 100,000JPY.
YouAT LLC gives you services for Japanese pension and tax refunds
We YouAT LLC has more than 10 year’s history to support non-Japanese employees’ “Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments”, “Old Age Pension”, and income tax refunds.
We have staff of Labor and Social Security Attorney, Administrative Scrivener, and Tax Accountant.
Please feel free to contact us for Japanese Pension and Tax Refunds!
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